Bideford and River Torridge Awarded Heritage Harbour Status
5 January 2024

Bideford and the River Torridge has been granted Heritage Harbour status by the Maritime Heritage Trust, joining eleven other ports whose contribution to Britain’s maritime history has been officially recognised.
The announcement comes as a result of a campaign by ten local heritage charities, led by Bideford-based Way of the Wharves, with input to Town and District Councils, local businesses, the education sector and other stakeholders.
The heritage organisations in the River Torridge Heritage Group (RTHG) partnership represent some 2000 members and supporters and including 200 active volunteers who give up their time to be trustees, stewards, painters, engineers, and restorers on the different projects.
The vision is to see the ongoing preservation and development of buildings and infrastructure along the whole waterfront from Appledore to Torrington, bringing to life stories of the maritime history of the whole Torridge Estuary.
This is wonderful news for the Torridge Valley, and we are delighted to be a member of this great project. More information can be found on the Maritime Heritage Trust's website