We Need You!
Our railway relies on volunteers of all ages, some help regularly others occasionally, some have previous experience but many do not. It’s not all track laying work! There is woodworking, metalworking, painting, store-keeping, working in our shop, as well as behind the scenes work such as fundraising, advertising and marketing. Whatever your skills there will be an opportunity to use them at Tarka Valley Railway.
Whether you have a keen interest in railways, love being outdoors or just love a good natter and a cup of tea, we are always on the look out for more volunteers. So if you think you can help please get in touch via our contact page or come down and visit Torrington Station on one of our working days.
Please note, an initial safety brief and site induction is required before you start hands on volunteering so you may be unable to get stuck in on your first visit, however, you will then be all set ready for the next working day!
We look forward to meeting you soon!